This page contains a wide range of frequently asked questions. If your specific question does not appear below, or should the answers not provide sufficient information, kindly direct your question to [email protected]
Why does my cart not move when I press the accelerator?
Please ensure that the gear selector is always on N (Neutral) before switching on the ignition. If the gear selector is in R (Reverse) or D (Drive) mode and the ignition is switched on, the cart will not move. Please switch off the ignition, turn the gear selector to N (Neutral), and switch the ignition back on. You may now select either D (Drive) or R (Reverse) and press the accelerator.
How often does the cart need servicing?
For private use we recommend one service per calendar year. Golf clubs making use of fleet carts we recommend a service every six months.
Where do I take the cart to be repaired / serviced?
Mobi•G currently have 3 service centres. Pretoria, Cape Town and Middelburg MP. All service centres also have fully equipped mobile service units.
Does the cart have a warranty? If so, for what period?
Mobi•G currently offers a 1 year manufacturing warranty.
What does the warranty cover?
The warranty covers all structural and electrical defects, unless caused by accident or gross negligence.
How do I replace a battery?
We strongly advise that all battery replacements be done by accredited Mobi•G technicians only.
What is the ideal tyre pressure?
The recommended tyre pressure is 1 bar.
What is the cart’s top speed?
All Mobi•G carts have been governed to a maximum speed of 27km/h.
How often does the brakes need to serviced / replaced?
We recommend that you service your brake system at the recommended service intervals as mentioned above.
What detergent is safe to use on the body / interior?
Any shampoo or polish suitable for normal passenger motor vehicles can be used on a Mobi•G.
How do I clean the water tank?
The water tank can be cleaned with normal detergent or dishwashing liquid and flushed with a regular garden hose. When flushing the water tank, please ensure the tap is open to ensure even flow from the tank.
How many kilometres can the cart run on one full charge?
The Mobi•G cart can drive up to a distance of 52km, without the solar panel. This distance was tested on a level tarred road.
How much further will the cart drive with a solar panel?
Tests conducted by Mobi•G technicians showed that on a typical golf use the solar panel will add approximately 30% more range.
On a sunny the solar charging system will provide more than 50% of battery charging required.
Can I only rely on the solar panel for charging the cart?
The solar panel charging system functions only as an additional charging method. It is recommended that you charge your cart using the 220V electrical cable provided.
What material is the windscreen made of?
The windscreens are made of highly durable polycarbonate material.
How long does it take to fully charge the batteries?
We recommend that the batteries, when running low, charge over a 10hour period.
What’s my carts colour pantone for paint jobs in case of bumps and scratches?
All Mobi•G cart colours are custom colours. For any serious scratches and bumps, kindly contact Mobi•G for assistance.
How many litres do the cooler box and water tank take?
The cooler box has a capacity of approximately 5 litres (8 cans). The water tank has a capacity of approximately 4 litres.
What’s the make and model of my tyres and where can I buy new ones?
The standard tyre for the Mobi•G carts are custom tyres. Kindly contact Mobi•G for any assistance.
How do I connect my Mobi•G's hooter?
The hooter is not in accordance with standard golf cours regulations and practise. Custom installation can however be discussed with Mobi•G.
How much does the cart weigh?
The standard 2 seater Mobi•G weighs approximately 345kg.
Is my Mobi•G roadworthy?
No, the Mobi•G range of carts are leisure vehicles for specific activities and are not roadworthy.
What will be required to get my Mobi•G roadworthy and licensed to drive on the road?
We recommend that you consult your nearest traffic, roadworthy or Metro police office to confirm the requirements for roadworthiness.